Welcome to the Cesira Blog

A smarter way to empathize

This is always a reflective time with the New Year and the close of another JP Morgan Healthcare Conference.  In between reading all the blogs and updates from JPM, I read a couple of interesting and very timely articles in the Harvard Business Review.  Both of these...

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Small Talk?

I recently read an article on negotiation that focussed on fostering relationships by building rapport. Building rapport involves getting to know someone, to build trust and create something of value.  I agree this is critical to successful negotiation. But here is...

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Speaking Powerfully

How can we speak so people will actually listen? In his TED talk, Julian Treasure outlined how we can all become more powerful speakers.  He gave a lot of great advice, though what I liked most were his suggestions for improving the content of what we say. Julian...

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Recently,  I was observing a friend of mine engaged in conversation with someone who was telling her about their latest career success.  The word yardstick popped into my head and I then realized something about my friend. People really like to share things with her....

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Leave something in the tank

I was on a bike ride last weekend that was slightly longer than usual. Foremost in my mind was pacing myself so I could finish, while also trying to stay with the rest of the group. As I was climbing what seemed to be a never ending hill, I thought about the...

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We hear a lot about confidence and how essential it is to every aspect of our lives, particularly our ability to build relationships and be successful.  Some of us may remember the Julie Andrew's classic song "I Have Confidence" from the Sound of Music as one of our...

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Leadership and diverse perspectives

I recently saw a TED talk by Rosalinde Torres, managing director at the Boston Consulting Group. She spoke about what it takes to be a great leader in the global interconnected world of the 21st century. One of the practices Rosalinde highlighted is the capacity...

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